Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Follow Up from Yesterday

After I completed my cardio this morning at 5 am, I spent another long day at school and the library.  Carmen came with me again, so it wasn't so bad..We took one study break and grabbed some coffee- yum! She also decided to workout with me again tonight.  My workout consisted of chest and arms...She joined me when I started the bicep/tricep work, though she said she was still seriously sore from Sunday's workout...I was glad to hear that ;-) But she still stuck it out and got through it with me. And now we are both sitting here talking about our aching arms.  Here are some pictures from the workout the other day.  I swear, even if she claims that she does not want any muscle (and she does not like to lift because of this) she still has it!  I see a wide back in the making with nice delts to come :-)

On another note, here are some pictures of myself a few weeks back, practicing my posing: 

It is becoming more and more noticeable to me how my shoulders are not aligned!

Monday, October 17, 2011


So, I am at the library right now with my sister, but I have been studying for a few hours straight now.  Needless to say, I needed a break.  So I decided to quickly update my blog.
This morning, I received a newsletter from some automated site that I did not know I subscribed to.  It was titled "Strength is a Skill".  I will admit, I began reading it at the end of class today and I did like what it had to say.  So I thought I would share it with the rest of you!

"Strength is a skill"
Like a lot of coaches, I have a handful of "pet" phrases, cues, and quotes that I tend to bring out.  When I'm talking to my clients or having a conversation there are a few that seem to come up pretty regularly.  Usually I don't notice it or think it's that obvious until a client starts mimicking one back at me (this is right before I they end up doing extra push-ups).  It's not that I can't think of something original to say, trust me, it's that these cues work.
One of my favorite lines that you'll never hear me apologize for using is "Strength is a skill".  I use it a lot, tag most of my emails with it, and firmly believe it.  I'd like to claim that I originated the quote, but I know that I heard it from someone back in the day, but I honestly can't remember who coined the phrase (if anyone knows then shoot me a line).  Regardless of its root, I think this quote best sums up my training and life philosophy in one succinct message.
Everyone is pretty familiar with the idea that in order to gain strength you need to practice and challenge yourself to get stronger.  This is the point behind lifting weights to build muscle.  Common knowledge, right?  Well, there's a little more to it than that.  You see, strength comes from two areas.  First, when you lift weights the body recovers from the damage caused by building more muscle fibers which results in an increase in the cross-sectional size of the muscle.  This is what most people think about when it comes to getting strong.  All else being equal, a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle.
However, that's not the real root of muscular strength.  The vast majority of muscular strength gains come from refined neurological recruitment.  In other words, teaching your body to contract more muscle fibers and contract them in the right order.  With improved neurological recruitment the same muscle becomes more efficient and the muscle can gain strength without gaining appreciable size.  This is how small powerlifters and fighters can be much stronger than larger bodybuilders.
Ok, so how do you increase the neurological efficiency of your muscles?  Frequent training under heavy loads results in superior neurological function.  That's right, lifting weights REALLY IS A SKILL and frequent training is PRACTICE.
To me "strength is a skill" is not just about being able to pick up a heavier weight, though.  To me it applies to mental and spiritual strength as well.  Just like not everyone is born big and physically powerful being strong of mind and character are not simply innate abilities.  Sure, some people are born at different points on the mental toughness spectrum, just like we all know the guy that walked into the gym with a 315 deadlift and the guy that couldn't even lift the bar.  However, after a year of hard training the talented guy was better and the weak kid was now a strong kid.
Improving your strength of character and mental focus takes concentrated effort and work.  At first you might have a hard time finding success.  I'll bet your first attempts at shooting a basketball or front squatting were clumsy, awkward, and made you question whether you should even continue this endeavor.  So can your attempts to break free from your shell and display confidence seem much harder initially than they should be.  However, with more and more practice and a no-quitting stance you'll find it easier and easier to demonstrate your strength and improve until you've reached the level of success that you set out to.  With practice you'll be able to improve your work skills, your body, your mental focus and toughness, your relationships, and everything else in your life.

I am not quite sure where it came from- it was an automated message that I received.. It has a pretty good message though! 

Yesterday, I got my sister to get back to the gym with me!  It was nice.  It was supposed to be an "off"/ cardio day for me, but I felt that I needed the workout so I took her along and we worked on that V Taper ;-) 

Well, Carmen is now sitting next to me eating her salad...yes, salad.
So, that mean its time for me to eat and hit the gym!  I'll complete my thoughts later tonight :D

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I have a blog, what?

Ok, so I know it has been months since I last posted a blog!  During the summer I was so ready to get a blog up and running so I could update everyone on "happenings" in my life.  Well, I kind of lost touch with my motivation to keep the blog updated when I never really knew what to write about, nor did I want to spend hours pondering my thoughts just so I could write them down and *hope* that someone would read it.
Whenever I am on facebook or a fitness related site, I love to read other fitness enthusiast's blogs about their training, competition prep, and everyday lives.  Reading what other people are doing to achieve their fitness goals really motivates me to continue pursuing mine.  So, that got me to thinking...What if my blog motivates other people, too?  There is nothing I love more than when people tell me that I inspire them to go out and get fit or pursue their fitness goals.  So, I have been telling myself all week that I am going to update my blog...Well, I didn't get around to it until just now, but I am going to start updating it frequently! I promise!
I just finished a great workout at the gym and whenever I am done training, I always get a new burst of motivation.  Although I am physically drained, my mindset is unstoppable! So I knew this would be the perfect time to start back up on my blog.
For my first post back, I will just briefly update everyone with what's been going on since my last post (which was so long ago that a lot has probably happened).
I did my first Figure competition back in July in Tucson.  It was nerve racking being up on stage considering I have never really been on a stage in front of a lot of people in my whole life!  There are some people that grow up performers- the ones whose parents forcefully put them in choir or dance or orchestra or gymnastics or beauty pageants or....well, you get it.  Anyhow, that was not me.  When I was younger, I tried my hand at a few sports but wasn't very good and my parents never forcefully made me do anything.  So I did not grow up "performing" .  Being on stage is a whole new feeling for me!  After getting on stage for the first time in Tucson, however, I loved it!  I ended up getting 2nd in the Figure Open Class A and 1st in the teen division.
The next week, I did the Arizona Open.  This show was slightly bigger than the weekend prior, but I got up there and it was a lot less stressful.  My posing was still horrible because again, I am no performer.  Nor am I a dance whose movements just flow.  I am stiff and demanding, and by my posing, you can tell I have no sense of rhythm!  At this show, I got the same placings as Tucson.  Women's Figure Class A- 2nd place and Teen Division (figure)- 1st.
A few weeks later, in August, I went to a show in California and I ended up winning Overall Figure.  Now that, that was a nice feeling.  It was surprising because, just weeks before, I never had ANY intention of competing in a figure/bikini/bodybuilding show and I did alright!
Well, school is now back in session, but I am going to make it a priority to post progress pictures, workouts, life updates, tips, and all sorts of stuff to keep my followers engaged!
I hope to inspire other people the way that other fitness enthusiasts inspire me to pursue my goals!