Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My first blog!

Hi guys!  Welcome to my new blog!  I recently posted a few pictures on my facebook of the transformation I have made in the past few months.  I received so many positive responses, emails, messages, and comments about the images that I was completely inspired to begin a blog about living a healthy life!  I have always loved working out and being in the gym and I have [pretty much] always been "conscious" about what my diet looked like.  Just recently, however, I have really discovered that I have a passion for fitness, exercise, wellness, nutrition -- whatever you want to call it!  I have always tried to live a healthy life  and it was just natural for me to want to be "well".  However, in recent months, it clicked in my head that I really have this passion for learning about different training routines, workouts, diet and nutritional plans.  Everywhere I go, I am asking questions trying to network with a variety of different people!  At the gym, if someone approaches me, you bet I will ask them a million questions about what THEY do and what they eat and how they train.  I want to know how each person is assessing their own fitness goals.  
Ever since I started seeing results on my own body, more and more people began to see results and began asking me about what I do to look how I look at such a YOUNG age.  So, it then registered in my mind that I want to HELP people achieve their goals.  I think it would be an amazing experience to take someone, lay out a plan, teach them different things about gym etiquette and nutrition, and watch their bodies transform.  I think it would be a great feeling to watch someone turn their low self esteem into pure confidence as they walk into a room!  
I may be young and looked down upon because I am not an "adult", but I have been living in the adult world for the past year and I have discovered what people are truly like and how I will always have to work a little bit harder because I am at such a tender age still.  However, I have done research, I read like crazy and I have learned to assess my personal needs and goals.  I still work with others who can help me achieve my goals because there comes a time where you can only push so far before someone else needs to step in and help take you to the next level.  I am in the process of finding those kind of people, the people that are willing to help me at such a young age, achieve my goals!
Meantime, I want to help others because I feel like I can inspire and educate people, both, young and old, to change their unhealthy habits and challenge themselves to achieve their goals!  It is a challenge, but it is amazing how the human body can transform if you really commit yourself to your goals!  
I am here to help anyone, if you have any questions at all!  I want to help make a difference!

Last thing-- I never thought I would actually sit down and write a blog....I never thought I would become a...."Blogger" .  What has gotten into me?  Whatever it is, I'm likin it!

Yours truly,