Friday, June 1, 2012


Wow! So I didn't realize that I haven't blogged in such a long time! Thank goodness for the option "Remember Me" because I definitely would not have been able to guess my password to log into this darn blogging site!  I have been getting numerous requests lately to post more workouts and recipes!  Lately, all I have wanted to do is cook, bake, and workout! It's like I am turning into Betty Crocker!!! Anyway, I write every single workout I ever do down inside my workout journals, which have accumulated since I started training...I now have about 5 journals, with every page covered- front and back with different workouts, nutritional information, etc. So, if anyone ever has questions, I will be happy to answer them! I may also start posting my workouts each day before I go to the gym, so you can just follow exactly what I do!
If you are trying to shape up those legs for summer, this is a great workout adapted from FitnessRX for Women
4x15 (each leg) Walking Lunges

4x25 Weighted Sumo Squats

4x20 (each leg) Jumping Switch Lunges

4x15 (each leg) Weighted Step-Ups on Bench

4x15 Weighted Smith Machine Squats

4x20 Jump Squats

Each day before I go to the gym, I always check out different workout routines for the specific body part I am training that day posted on and various websites I find, then I combine exercises and make variations depending on what I feel I should work on. 
I like to start off leg routines (hamstrings/glutes) by "pre exhausting" , I usually do some lying leg curls (3x20) , paired with walking lunges (bodyweight) across the gym floor.

Recently, I have started incorporating Deadlifts, regular and straight-legged, and I have seen major changes.  I do a warm up set of about 20, then do about 4x10-15, increasing the weight each time.  I like to pair my lifts with a plyometric exercise such as jumping switch lunges or pop squats to keep my heart rate up!

I'll then move on to Deep, Wide squats, about 4x10 (heavy) and either rest in between sets or do some bodyweight squats in between.

I also like Stationary/Static lunges with the loaded bar on my back and I'll do 3x10-15/leg 

Next up, I may do some step ups on a bench paired with Barbell Hip thrusts off of the bench.  Positioning a barbell across your pelvic area and rest your upper shoulders and neck/head on the bench, scoot your legs out to about 90 degrees and thrust upward as though you're doing a regular bridge on the floor.  3x25, squeezing those glutes!!!

To end, I sometimes go back and do some drop sets on the lying leg curl machine and then walk it out on the treadmill!  

Ask questions and let me know if you want me to post the workouts!!!